Sunday, March 23, 2008



I just can't stop laughing. Anytime I need a pick me up my beloved Bill always succeeds in cheering me up.

Saturday, March 15, 2008



Yeah I can already sense Peta going apeshit over this one. I might as well get some popcorn. I don't know where Tyra was going with this shoot and I don't even watch the freakin show. But I gotta tell ya this is seriously making me want to go eat a Big Mac! I just do!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Ok. That's it. I finally saw it. 3 am in th morning all the way through. The movie that has generated so much hype and praise and possibly even some drool. Yes I finally saw it. What are my thoughts on it? I think one word sums it up. Stupid....yeah I said it. I am going to go against the grain and say it is NOT the most important classic greatest most beautiful film of all time. (I am beginning to notice that I don't seem to enjoy what the mainstream enjoy in regards to movies, I hated Pirates of the Caribbean for chrissake). Was it a bad film? sometimes it felt like it was. Anytime there was a scene with Tommy Lee Jones I felt like zoning out. I know what he was saying in his little monologues was supposed to be deep and profound but I just found it idiotic and boring. I swear TMJ has played the same characters. There all tired and somehow inwardly depressed and wants to teach us the meaning of subltly. Gag me. The only parts I greatly enjoyed was either with the actor Josh Brolin but of course Javier Bardem who stole the show. He did deserve major kudos for his performance. My favorite scene has to be with him and the store clerk. His voice and facial expression while interacting with the clerk was by far the funniest thing I have ever scene. Not to mention my god the man has a deep voice. He served as a great villain and played the role very well. Josh Brolin also did a fantastic job with his character. Very believable as a weary yet tough texan. Now for the negatives. Characters that really served no purpose. Woody Harrelson ( I will always love him as Nathan from Will and Grace) and from what I guess was the accountant. Not to mention the plotholes of Woody's character and the suitcase full of money. The scene with Tommy and what seems to be Bardem's character hiding in the room but nothing comes out of it. Too many things that I felt I was supposed to fill in the blanks too that I thought was unnecessary. All in all from 1-10 I give it a five. Saved only by Javier and Josh's performance, but the movie overall left me empty. I still standby my lovely film There Will be Blood being the best of the two.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I wrote an article on him after I found out about his death. It was so strange. I had never written anything before and the idea of writing made my brain hurt, but writing my article on him was done quite effortlessly on my part. The words seemed to flow. This is also a site where if you are a writer or want to express your thoughts on different subjects and get paid. Its an awesome site that I highly recommend. Here's my article.

My reaction to Mr. Ledger's death came in phases. I as usual was at work and got a call from my significant other. Simple question was asked. You know that guy who's supposed to play the joker in batman? I of course immediatly knew. My knowledge of the celebrity world knows no bounds. I replied back that "yes I knew who he was why? he responded by bluntly stating "he's dead. Dead silence of about 15 seconds on my end with my heart just sinking. In those fifteen seconds many thoughts and emotions went into my head. Supreme shock was one. Disbelief and horror the next. The verbal thoughts entered. I was not that much of a fan of the guy so why is my heart sinking? I only watched a few of his movies. Is it because I have been reading so much about the new batman franchise and people's high expectations of him? like a signal from the heavens something told me to look to my right and there posted on the big screen tv of my workplace was cnn (which is hilarious considering the fact that political discussion is not allowed in the workplace yet it stays on a political channel 24/7). What I see on the screen further shocks me.

The body of heath ledger being led by paramedics in a black body bag to an ambulance. I began to get angry at the sight. Such a bold image to be displayed like that without warning and to a man who I knew valued his privacy seemed not only tacky, but sacreligious in a way. Watching this scene became a morbid experience that I had to detach myself from to hear my boyfriends ramblings on how the makeup for the new joker did not look realistic in a bored voice. If there was a way to virtually slap someone through the phone I would have made heavy use of that power in that moment! How could he not feel as sad or as shocked as I do? He feels more for the friggan joker character then the man behind the character!

Throughout the day I began to analyze my feelings and I came to the conclusion of why I was sad and shocked in the first place. As I said I was never a big fan of his to begin with. The handful of films that I saw him in was brokeback mountain and the patriot. Both films I thought he did a major job in, but as a human being he seemed very soft spoken and a good person who was dedicated to his work and was on the road to big things. When I see or hear of a celebrity dying a part of me expects to not be shocked by it. Normally because the celebrities that now pass were from the older eras or who's death's you see coming from a mile away. How many sites are putting death watches on Britney Spears? Amy winehouse? Pete Doherty? not to diminsh there importance or relevences, but to many people its just a matter of time. With that thinking I also delved deeper on why I was so shocked by Mr. Ledger's death. He was one of the good one's! Why are all the bad one's you expect to keel over are still alive and kicking and yet the one's who seem like good decent human beings and are on the deserving road to movie greatness...die? A sort of resentment begins to kick in. How many celebrity drug addicts are coming out of the woodworks? Attention loving train wrecks who seems to be bent on self destruction are still alive and yet heath is.....gone?

While objectively it is horrible to wish harm on another human being you feel is not deserving of life to another. Its a realistic and human reaction (depending on the sort of person you are some would say its inhumane to think such a thing). Surfing many gossip sights I discovered that many echoed this sentiment. While it took me a day to get over my sadness over a person I did not even know but silently respected as an actor and a person. I see his pictures posted on websites and many people coming out of nowhere on many sites to express there feelings. At least it does show that while thousands of people did not know this man or a lot of his work. His star shown silently to many people whom he may have thought did not notice. Rest in Peace Mr. Ledger. I hope they are giving you some privacy and peace in heaven! Or if you believe in reincarnation I hope he enjoys his next life...

Original article can be found here


Awesome. When I went to the theater to see that godawful movie 10,000 BC I caught the preview to this and of course saw Heath's brief protrayal in the trailer. I immediately felt sad. I hope I will be able to detach myself from thoughts of where he could be right now throughout the film.


Might as well advertise it! Came out Yesterday! There will be Blood (which I loved) is always getting compared to this so I can't wait to see it. Get it now!


New York Governor Eliot Spitzer

Ok. Everyone and there mammy should have heard the news about Mr. I love prostitutes up there. If you haven't youre very fortunate. As I read this "scandal" and heard all sides from sunday. I had to ask myself how do I feel about it. My conclusion? Who gives a fuck. The only person he should have to answer to is his wife as far as I am concerned, but then of course I am reminded that prostitution is illegal in this country. Which leads me to a whole new train of thought. Why is it illegal again? it sure as hell ain't for moralistic reasons. Most likely it is due to the fact that the government can't get any money out of the deal so therefore its illegal, but should it be? its just two consenting adults having a meeting "albeit a dirty one" and going about there business. Personally I think it should be legal. There I said it. Many other countries (with some restrictions that aren't that bad) in Canada, most all of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark, etc., most of South America including most of Mexico (often in special zones), Israel (Tel Aviv known as the brothel capital of the world), Australia, and many others have gone with the flow. What's america's problem again? by legalizing i they can tax the whole businiess make it more orderly and citizens won't have to constantly complain about there children's seeing hookers on the corner or seeing one getting beat up. Of course the main one would be the politicians. In this case if prostituion was legal then the Gov up above would not be having any legal problems. I think its ridiculous really. Personally I could give a damn what politicians do in there private lives as long as there keepin my state/country safe I could give a damn. There personal lives and decisions are just that. Personal and in this case unfortunatly illegal. Just my two cents.


I don't believe this. I am still in shock. Tonight I was stuck with a delimma. To go or not to go to hollywood video to get the newly released movie of No country For Old Men. So I decided to go at the last minute at 10 :00 at night. Now mind you I have already gotten two tickets recently. I got one where they caught me on those damn video cameras turning on a red light. Supposedly I didn't come to a complete stop, but whatever. Second one for speeding. I did a 67 in a 40. The cost? $238. I HATE TEXAS.My wallet is still screaming in agony. So as I am driving down the exact same damn street that I got my second ticket I pay close attention to my speed. I keep constantly going over 40 mph. I don't know what it is, but I just can't drive slow to save my life. Its like I am moving like a snail and will never make it to my destination. I am so used to driving fast now that if I am doing a 60 it feels normal. So I notice that I am going at 50 mph and slow down and continue to drive at a much normal pace of 30 mph. As I finally approach a red light a mile away I see blue red lights flashing right behind me. I of course think he must be trying to chase someone so maybe I should move to the next lane. I do this and what does the bastard do? he moves right behind me. I am getting a sudden case of de ja vu. He is now following me and of course I get a clue that I am going to be stopped but unlike last time I am wondering why. For once I was paying attention to my speed! I pull over and he takes his precious time getting out of the damn car. I am all but ready to curse him out. The cop who looks to be in his 60's asks for my DL. I hand it over and begin to look for the insurance. I rarely if ever look at the thing and begin to pull papers actually asking the cop if one of them is the insurance. I ask him why am I being stopped and of course he ignored me until he has my information. After all this is taken care of he finally tells me that I was speeding doing a 55 in a 30. Immediately anger begins to flare and I make up my mind right then and there not to pay the damn thing. YOU GOTTA BE KIDDIN ME! HOW CAN THIS HAPPEN THREE TIMES IN A MONTH??? At this rate I am going to be paying the damn courts every goddamn month. Right now and at that moment I didn't want to drive ever again. What sucks is that I was driving my mothers car and of course I am not on her insurance. So if I don't pay it she will find out about it anyway and of course there is that whole pesky warrant thing. I am seriously considering buying a scooter. I honestly don't think I can drive at the correct speed limit. Its too much. This is one lesson (or another considering this is another ticket) do not drive at night. I have begun to notice that the cops hang out more at night with nothing better to do and loves to issue out tickets. I need a pill. A big one.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008


As race heads to Mississippi, Obama mocks VP talk
by Evelina Shmukler 1 hour, 31 minutes ago

BILOXI, Mississippi (AFP) - Democratic front-runner Barack Obama headed into Tuesday's primary in Mississippi, a state he is tipped to win, mocking talk of a "dream ticket" headed by his White House rival Hillary Clinton.

Obama, who leads by about 100 delegates after 45 Democratic contests, ridiculed verbal gymnastics by the Clinton camp arguing that he is not ready to be commander-in-chief, but could be her number two.

"If I'm not ready, how is it that you think I should be such a great vice president?" he said, drawing laughter from raucous supporters at a rally Monday in Columbus, Mississippi.The Illinois senator said the Clinton team was "trying to hoodwink you.""With all due respect, I've won twice as many states as Senator Clinton. I've won more of the popular vote than Senator Clinton. I have more delegates than Senator Clinton," he said.
"So I don't know how somebody who is in second place is offering the vice presidency to the person who's in first place.

Heaping psychological pressure on Obama, Clinton surrogates are pushing the "dream ticket" scenario as a way of resolving a nailbiting race that risks going down to the wire at the Democrats' nominating convention in August.

Speaking here Saturday, former president Bill Clinton argued that a presidential ballot headed by his wife, with Obama in the junior role, would be an "almost unstoppable force."But the former first lady has also sought to undermine Obama's bid by casting doubt on his credentials to be supremo of the world's most powerful military.

Clinton backers including General Wesley Clark, an ex-commander of NATO, went on a conference call Monday to belittle Obama's ability to take on Republican John McCain, a senator and Vietnam war hero, in November's election.Having sealed the Republican nomination last week, McCain is heading to Israel, Britain and France next week to hone his national-security credentials while the Democrats slug it out.

Obama's campaign, stressing Clinton's vote in 2002 authorizing military force in Iraq, hit back by parading former secretaries of the navy, army and air force at a Washington press conference in support of his White House bid.Clinton aides were pressed on how she could argue that Obama might be fit for vice president -- and just a heartbeat from promotion to the Oval Office -- but incompetent for the top job.

"The answer to that is that Senator Clinton will not choose any candidate who has not at the time of choosing passed the national security threshold. Period," spokesman Howard Wolfson said.

"But we have a long way to go between now and Denver, and it is not something that she would rule out at this point," he said, while not spelling out how Obama might pass the commander test in time for the convention.

Clinton breathed new life into her faltering campaign with wins last week in Ohio and Texas, helped by an ominous television advertisement that questioned whether Obama was ready to deal with a hypothetical crisis in the dead of the night.Obama grabbed some momentum back on Saturday with a landslide win in Wyoming, but emerged from the caucuses with a net gain of only two delegates over Clinton.Neither can reach the winning line of 2,025 delegates, even if Florida and Michigan go ahead with emerging plans to repeat their contests after running afoul of the national party for holding their primaries early.

So barring a backroom deal prior to the convention, the nomination will rest in the hands of nearly 800 "superdelegates," Democratic luminaries who are under enormous pressure from the two campaigns to sway one way or another
Polls give the African-American Obama anything from a six- to 24-point edge in Mississippi, where more than half of Democratic voters are black. Voting to elect the state's 33 delegates was to open at 1200 GMT and end 12 hours later.

Both Obama and Clinton have outlined plans to help rebuild communities on Mississippi's Gulf Coast that were obliterated by Hurricane Katrina in mid-2005. The former first lady is already looking past the Magnolia State to the far bigger battleground of Pennsylvania, a blue-collar state whose 158 delegates are up for grabs on April 22.



Paypal is seriously becoming my new best friend. Anyone have trouble with those paid survey crap where a credit card is needed? What if you don't have a credit card? What if you do have a credit card but its maxed out? What if you don't feel comfortable giving it out? Well Paypal to the rescue! You can create a "virtual" credit card created by paypal that really links to the bank you have on file with them. That way you can safely use a "credit card" to any online companies requiring it. Its the best thing that has ever happened to me. I max out my credit cards way too much to count to be of use. So when I discovered this it was like a dream come true. It even has feautures where you can "auto fill" your demographic information like your "name" "address" "zip code" etc. Naturally to exploit this beautiful feature you need to have a paypal account and you must be 18. Here is the link where you can take advantage of it

You must be logged into paypal to access the page. Enjoy.

Monday, March 10, 2008


Top 5 Questions: Tuesday's Mississippi Primaries

By Rachel Kapochunas, CQ Staff Mon Mar 10, 12:14 AM ET

1. What's at stake?
After Clinton's Ohio and Texas victories, each of Mississippi's 40 Democratic delegates became precious to both Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama. Seven of them are unpledged superdelegates, free to support the candidate of their choosing. The other 33 will be allocated proportionally to the candidates based on their primary results, so both Obama and Clinton will pick up a portion of Mississippi delegates.
In addition, there are Congressional primaries.

2. Who is favored to win Tuesday?
Political analysts believe that Obama will win the state, and recent polls support that theory.
Obama has drawn strong support from African-American voters and, according to American Research Group, 55 percent of Mississippi's likely Democratic voters are black. In Ohio's March 4 primary, 18 percent of Democratic voters identified themselves as African American, and 87 percent of them supported Obama over Clinton, according to exit polls.

Clinton has been campaigning in the state, but she has also dispatched her husband, former President Bill Clinton, to make the Mississippi campaign rounds. The former president had strong ties to the black community and was commonly referred to as the nation's "first black president." But he angered some black voters earlier this year when he likened Obama's South Carolina primary victory to Jesse Jackson's primary successes in the state. Some believed Clinton was attempting to dismiss Obama's win due solely to his race.

3. Since John McCain has clinched the Republican nomination, what might happen on the GOP side?
Republicans expect lower voter turnout Tuesday, due to an uncontested top-of-ticket race. But since voters do not register by party in Mississippi, it is possible that some Republicans may show up just to cast ballots in the more intriguing Democratic primary. And some will still be heading to the polls to cast ballots in the presidential race and to participate in the state's regularly scheduled congressional and Senate primary elections.

This is by far the dumbest thing I have ever heard. EVERY state in my opinion should have everyone registered by party. If I was a smart republican and wanted to play by strategy I can get over in these states. If I want my party to win all I have to do is vote for a democrat that is most likely to lose in the general election against my party. Therefore sabotaging the democrats for my candidate to get ahead. Boom my party wins. This is the most idiotic system ever. This is precisely what Rush Limbaugh has encouraged republicans to do. Vote for Hillary because according to polls she is likely to lose the general election to Mccain because of systems like this. Surprise Surprise that according to the demographics showed in Texas many republicans voted for clinton like never before. Its all about strategy in this case. November really cannot come no quicker.


I don' believe this. Yesterday night I am all excited and whanot about my new discovory of some leads I have developed for myself and then suddenly the unthinkable happens. My right ear suddenly becomes muffled. Naturally I begin to yawn more frequently to try to get it open with no success. It seems as thought it was getting worse and worse. I then began to feel a sense of "fullness" in my ear. Oh joy. Seven months ago I had tubes put in my ear, so I have been waiting for them to miraculously just pop out. So I figured ok this must be the process so don't panic maybe it will go away in tthe morning. I try my damndest to sleep without panicking and began to "sleep dream". I wake up and discover that the fullness sensation has not left me. I feel a twinge of annoyance and mild panic. I feel a little pain when I yawn in my right ear. Uh oh. I then begin to feel inside my ear o discover if there is something hanging out of it when I feel a liquidy/crust object in my ear. I look at my fingers and see red blood and dried blood. I can't see my expression but I know I have an oh shit expression. What to do? Is this normal? should I tell my mom who would panic for the both of us which is what I don't need right now. Ok call my ENT doc. Can't find him anywhere in the phone book so I search for him online. God bless the internet. I call and the receptionist answers. I tell her of my problem and with a prompt response she tells me a nurse will give me a call back. Great. I can be losing my goddamn hearing and I now have to wait for god knows how long before I can get some help. I tackle with the idea of just going over there, but then I look outside. You would think a damn tsunami is about to hit Texas. Its got the strong winds, the cold air and the monstrous sounds all in one. Then of course the news resports that everyone should stay in doors. Great I can be losing my hearing and I can't even venture out. Oh Joy the world's against me. I begin to research online and I begin to panic even more. Normally if this happens after months of surgery an infection has occurred and can be treated with droplets. This is making me all the more panicky. In my mind I am imagining my life trying to work while half deaf. Will I be able to learn sign language? Will my boyfriend be willing to deal with a girl who is deaf? will he be willing to learn sign language? lucid thoughts enter my mind. How will I find a job? with most you need to hear! Not to mention I gotta go to work for five and one of my main responsibilities includes being on the phone! annoyingly I will have to call in. My day is not looking at all too bright.


Did You Know These Jobs Exist?
By Rachel Zupek,
Do you ever wonder whose job it is to do some of the less desirable things in life? If you think about it, there’s a job doing almost anything, no matter how exciting, disgusting or just plain weird it may seem.

For example, remember when you stuck your wad of gum underneath the seat of a roller coaster so you wouldn’t choke? That sticky mess didn’t just disappear – a gum buster scraped it off, using a special steaming tool that removes gum stuck to various surfaces.

Think about all those times your golf ball didn’t make it over the water. Did you think the fish ate them? Nope, a golf ball diver, who scours the depths of bodies of water on golf courses to find lost golf balls to refinish and resell, got it.
Many Americans dominate the corporate working world, but don’t forget about those who took the road less traveled. Through photography in her books, “Odd Jobs” and “Odder Jobs,” Nancy Rica Schiff portrays people working jobs you probably won’t find in the Sunday classifieds.

They aren’t your run-of-the-mill doctors, lawyers and the like. Some are simple, some complex; some are common, some one in a million – but one thing’s for sure – they are all (extremely) unusual.

Here are 20 odd jobs portrayed in Rica Schiff’s books.

1. Breath odor evaluatorWhat they do: Odor judges smell nasty morning breath or breath “insulted” with strong scents, like garlic or coffee. They rate the breath on a scale from one to nine, one being the worst. To test odor-reducing products like gum or mouthwash, they smell the breath again and assign it a new rating.

2. DienerWhat they do: Prepare cadavers for the pathologist before autopsies are performed in hospitals.

3. Ribbon candy pullerWhat they do: After a heated combination of sugar, corn syrup, water and coloring agent has cooled, batches of different colors are laid out side by side. Someone then pulls the candy thin until it’s about an inch wide. The final product is a multicolored hard candy.

4. OcularistWhat they do: In short, they paint artificial eyes. It sounds easier than it is, since as with real eyes, no two are exactly the same.

5. Flatulence smell-reduction underwear makerWhat they do: Create underwear that protects against bad human gas for people who suffer from gastrointestinal problems. The underwear is made with various materials and filters to help remedy hydrogen sulfide gases, the main offender in foul smells.

6. Beer testerWhat they do: Taste – and spit out – beer all day to approve new and existing flavors.

7. Crack fillerWhat they do: Using a silicone sealant, they repair the wear and tear inflicted on monumental structures, like Mount Rushmore.

8. Ball testerWhat they do: Assess basketballs, footballs, volleyballs and soccer balls for air-retention, inflation, roundness, weight and reboundability.

9. Video game testerWhat they do: For eight hours a day, five days a week, a group of males and females of all ages play video games. They repeat levels, games and characters, looking for any bugs and/or glitches in the software.

10. Tampon testerWhat they do: Check all sizes of tampons for absorbency and cord strength in accordance with Food and Drug Administration standards. Most testers check up to 125 pieces per day.

11. Gold reclaimerWhat they do: Scour old teeth for fillings, melting the gold from them with broken gold jewelry into tiny gold pellets, which are then resold to jewelers.

12. Dog snifferWhat they do: Once a week, they analyze the odor of dogs' breath to test the effect of the animals' diet on their teeth. Breath is graded on a scale of zero to 10 and is categorized as sweaty, salty, musty, fungal or decaying.

13. Potato chip inspectorWhat they do: Search for overcooked or clumped chips to discard as they come down the assembly line.

14. Porta-potty servicerWhat they do: Like regular restrooms, portable toilets need maintenance, too. Once a week, service workers clean these single-stall facilities to achieve certain standards of sanitation.

15. Barbie dress designerWhat they do: Fashion designers at Mattel Toys, the company behind Barbie, create hundreds of new styles for Barbie and her ever-expanding entourage.

16. Wax figure makerWhat they do: Mold wax to create figures, often for, but not limited to, the human form. Figures are often made in the likeness of people who have achieved historical or celebrity recognition.

17. SafecrackerWhat they do: When combinations are lost or forgotten, safecrackers use their ears and fingers to open the safe.

18. Wig makerWhat they do: Put simply, they make wigs, but the process is anything but simple. First, wig makers create a plastic model of the wearer’s head and hairline, and then they transfer the mold onto a padded canvas similar to the client’s general head size, covering it with wig lace. Using a needle, they knot and pull thousands of hairs, one by one, through the mesh cap. Once all the hairs are in place, the wig is styled to the wearer’s preference.

19. Paper towel snifferWhat they do: Paper towel manufacturers prefer their products to be odorless before, during and after their use. Naturally, paper towel sniffers ensure that once a paper towel is used, there is no noticeable scent.

20. Foley artistWhat they do: Use whatever they can find to create and record the noises used to make the sound effects in films, like heavy footsteps, rolling thunder or creaking doors.
I am thankful everyday that I am not other people. Amen.


HOLLYWOOD - Hollywood actor Matt Damon is to become a father for the second time. The Bourne Ultimatum star and wife Luciana will welcome the new addition to their family later this year. Damon's spokeswoman Jennifer Allen tells, "They couldn't be happier. They're so excited!" The couple announced the news after attending the Empire Film Awards in London on Sunday night. They already have a daughter, Isabella, 1. Damon is also stepfather to Luciana's 9-year-old daughter Alexia.


Bow Down and Worship Buckets Are At The Corner Of The Room For Your Drool


Ok I have been playing it cool for awhile. Truth be told when I read that they were makin a new one I had a WTF are THEY thinkin moment? Harrison Ford is practically old (No offense much love to ya babe but you are getting there) not to mention I think it was just best to let it rest. Why remake the classics? it never turns out well. BUT after seeing the trailer and getting a little chuckle from it and sweet memories flooding back in my mind. I am actually on board with it. A little excitement is creeping in. Way to sucker me in Spielburg. Lets all bow her heads and pray that this doesn't suck. Either way I will still get eye candy with Shia Lebouf. I am in love with that his name! rowrrr



Girl in Clinton's '3 a.m.' ad is now 17 and supports Obama; calls ad 'fear-mongering'

Casey Knowles didn't much like a recent campaign commercial for Hillary Clinton _ even though she's in it as a sleeping 8-year-old.

After all, she about to turn 18 now and is a big supporter of Barack Obama.

"What I don't like about the ad is its fear-mongering," Knowles told ABC's "Good Morning America Weekend Edition" on Sunday. "I think it's a cheap hit to take. I really prefer Obama's message of looking forward to a bright future."

The well-known Clinton ad aired in Texas before last week's vote and implied a lack of experience on Obama's part. It showed an exterior of a Colonial-style home and old stock footage of Knowles sleeping in bed. A narrator describes a phone ringing in the White House: "It's 3 a.m. and your children are safely asleep. Who do you want answering the phone?"

Clinton won the Texas primary by a 51-47 percent margin.

Knowles said she didn't see the ad until Jon Stewart lampooned it Thursday on "The Daily Show." Her brother noticed it was her, and the family replayed the commercial on their digital recorder to be sure.

"They were parodying this ad, kind of poking fun at it," Knowles said. "My brother was like, 'Is that Casey?' And we just erupted. Sure enough, it's me."

The file footage was originally shot for a railroad company advertisement. The Clinton campaign bought it from Getty Images.

Knowles, a senior at Bonney Lake High School who turns 18 next month, has been campaigning for Obama. She attended his rally at Seattle's KeyArena on Feb. 8. Her mother, Pam, told The News Tribune of Tacoma that Casey cried and trembled after shaking the candidate's hand.

The next day, she was a Democratic precinct captain for the state's caucuses. If she plays her cards right, she could go to the national convention.

Not to mention that she could be in another ad. After her identity became known, Obama's campaign contacted her.

"I mentioned that we should make a counter ad, me and Obama, against Hillary," she said. "They thought that was really funny. They actually might take me up on it."



I LOVE THIS COMMERCIAL! I can't get the song outta my head. Everytime it comes on the tv I always have to sing to it and wish they can play it again. Does it make me wanna check my credit report? hell no. Too terrified of what I will find and I already know my damn credit is whack. My bill collectors remind me of that thank you very much. I don't need legit proof. Check it out!


Ok lets get the politically correct definition of exactly what a mystery shopper is.

Mystery shopping is a tool used by market research companies to measure quality of retail service. These companies send mystery shoppers to act as shoppers to interact with the business as a normal customer and report on the experience. Shoppers are usually paid and their purchases reimbursed. The tool can also be used for the management of the quality and performances of goods and services. Instructions to mystery shoppers can include a script of behavior, questions to ask, complaints to give, purchases to make, and measures to record, such as time it takes to receive attention from an employee or receive a service, or the responses given to questions.

Mystery shopping is also known as:

Mystery consumer
Mystery Buyers
Secret Clients
Secret Shopping
Experience Evaluation
Mystery Customers
Anonymous Audits
Employee Evaluations
Performance Audits
Fulfillment assessment

Get it? Got it? Good. Lets move on. Many people understandably find it hard to believe that you actually get paid to shop or dine. Yeah right what are YOU smokin? and can I have an ounce of it? well brace yourselves....its real! Yes many companies want ordinary people to go "spy" on business and see if they are doing what they are supposed to be doing. Which can be either making sure the building is safe and clean. If the Sales people are nice and courteous. If a store clerk discriminates against a particular person. In some cases some companies have you attach a camera to yourselves to record your interaction with your "target" at a shop. No I am not kidding. There are of course many scams out there who charge people for a non service and YOU the potential shopper gets jipped.Which is why I always stress RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! before signing on with a company. Now mind you not all shopping sites are scams if they charge you. Some sites partner with companies who need shoppers to work there shops and the website works as a liason between you two. So they charge you a fee to access all the shopper jobs. One of these sites goes by the name of Excellent site that I recommend. They are cheap and you get jobs daily. Normally a shopper job will range between $25-$50 a job. If you are a consistent shopper these amounts can rise and you can make a nice income from it. Some companies requesting your service pay you in different ways. Some at the end of the month. Some in a couple of days. Some by check some by direct deposit. You get the idea. Will you get rich? probably not. It takes time. With this if its something you want to do consistently you can make a nice income off of it because you will be building your "resume" for business needing shoppers. The more shops you shop the more experienced you are and the more they will want to pay you. Also in some cases you can become a "certified shopper". Which entails taking a test. This makes you look more "chic" if you will to companies looking for shoppers. Now to become a shopper you in most cases DO NOT have to pay ANYTHING. You just sign up and apply to a company offering the services and wait for an assignment. Depending on the company they can have steady work or you may go a long time before getting an assignments. Now there are many different categories that shoppers are placed in. Some are called "auditors" or you will be put in "merchandising" or "promotions" (which basically means in some cases your job will entail setting up stands at a local business for customers to see". In some cases some companies want you to have experience for the high paying jobs or their services. Also if you just want to shop for fun you can join some shopper sites that will send you out on an assignment and you will have to pay out of your own pocket for an "item" or "food" at the establishment that you are stationed for. The company will reimburse you whatever you paid. With those you are just basically shopping the store, but not really getting money for it. Its your choice. If you want some quick cash and wanna have fun doing it become a shadow shopper! Check out the links to legit sites on the left hand side and get started! Good Luck!

Sunday, March 9, 2008


Ok I am in a Daniel Day Lewis obsession moment. Normally I can't watch celebrity interviews because I am always afraid that there going to say something stupid. Its one of the main reasons I don't watch American Idol. I am embarrassed for the damn contestants. Daniel however I can listen to for hours. The man is as deep as an ocean. He really breaks down the whole idea of acting and is funny as hell. Did I mention the accent and the beard? Normally I don't dig guys with beards (except on Viggo Mortenson and my lovable boyfriend, but Daniel makes it work)Not to mention that this clip at the bottom cracks my shit up. Two words.... Jane Fonda. I love the WTF look Daniel gives her at a suggestion of a "character" that she thinks he should play.


I LOVE YOU HARVEY! *throws underwear at poster* The greatly anticipated Batman film. I must admit when the tim burton's batman series came out I loved it. Not that I was a big fan of the masked character. When I was a kid I grew up on comics like Vampirella (shut up) Lady Death, Mad Max, Aeon Flux etc. For some reason the major superheroes like batman, superman, and spiderman all escaped me. I watched the Batman Begins and I am sorry to say I was bored out of my mind. Same thing happened with the first Spiderman film with Tobey Maguire. I was greatly detached to all the characters in the movie. I love Christian Bale and from an objective point of view he did a great job. It was just to me nothing happened in the film. I guess it was because I was not invested in the characters. Then again I am not invested in spiderman either but I loved the sequel (while everyone else had mixed feelings go figure). SO there may be some hope that I will love the sequel to The dark knight. I mean come on there's the joker (RIP HEATH) and he's a character that even I can invest in. Hopefully the movie is as good as the trailer makes it look.


Its official. I am going to see this movie just for the damn poster. Look! "starry eyes" its so pretty and red! Ok on a serious note come on how many die hard kung fu guys have been dying to see these two paired up? I am not even going to get into the whole Jet Li promised ages ago that his ass was going to retire after that film that I can't for the life of me remember. Nor am I going to mention Jackie Chan's bitterness that his legacy in hollywood does not rival that of Robert De Niro. Nor that he basically admitted that he did Rush Hour just for the money. No No. I like my kung fu actors only one way. Silent but deadly. Come with me and look at the pretty asian lady with white hair (and a kick ass name I mean Bing Bing??)


Probably the main reason you became an independent contractor (aka consultant, freelance and IC) or want to, is to be your own boss. Unfortunately, some U.S. companies don't fully understand the difference between independent contractors and employees. Even among companies that do understand the difference, there are those that attempt to exploit the relationship, because it's clearly to their advantage to do so.

Companies don't have to withhold federal, state and Social Security (FICA) taxes, or pay unemployment or workers' compensation insurance for independent contractors. They also don't need to offer benefits like paid sick leave, vacation, health insurance and stock options, as they do to attract and retain employees. In fact, companies don't have to offer much of anything to independent contractors, except that for which they've agreed by contract (independent contractor agreement). That saves tons of paperwork and big bucks, giving dishonest companies lots of incentive to cheat independent contractors of their rights. The cheaters (and naive) misclassify workers as independent contractors, but still attempt to control them as employees. In doing so, they reap the benefits of both worlds, while depriving independent contractors of the very reason they became independent contractors in the first place: to be their own bosses.Many misclassified independent contractors don't fully understand the difference either, which helps to perpetuate the problem. Here's how it's supposed to work when you are correctly classified as an independent contractor:

Companies are not your employers per se, but your clients. As such, they are not entitled to direct you in your work. Of course, your clients have a right to say what they expect for the rates they're paying you, but only as it relates to the outcome of the project. It's your right to decide when, where and how to get the project done. Natch, it's wise for you to satisfy your clients at the project level, if you wish to get paid and receive favorable referrals for landing more contract jobs. But that doesn't mean you must allow a client to control you as an employee. That's against the law. In other words, by U.S. law, an employer cannot classify you as an independent contractor, then dictate when, where and how you work, as though you are an employee. It's all about degree of control and independence.

Several U.S. government agencies have good reason to be interested in whether or not workers are correctly classified, including the Department of Labor, Social Security Administration, Workers' Compensation Offices, and Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Because companies don't withhold taxes for independent contractors, independent contractors are supposed to pay their own taxes quarterly. But many don't, intentionally or naively. That makes the rest of us pay more to the government agencies "robbed" of funds.

When companies misclassify employees as independent contractors, they are not paying into FICA, disability, unemployment and other useful government programs. This ultimately cheats all workers of their rightful benefits. It's the government's job to protect workers from exploitation. Misclassification cheats independent contractors of their rights as self-employed individuals. It might also cause them undue stress, because they feel pressured to put up with it just to keep working.

Under US law, you are either an employee or an independent contractor. It's one or the other. There is no in between. The IRS has taken the lead in helping employers correctly classify their workers, by developing the "Common-Law Rules".

Independent Contractor

Independent Contractors are individuals (in the work at home field) who are employed by a company but are being contracted for a job. For many companies your job will be flexible. You of course have the benefit of being able to work from home, but make no mistake that you are still tied to the company that has "contracted" your services. The downside is that you normally don't receive any medical benefits from these companies because "technically" your not an employee of theirs. You are being paid to do a service. Also in the subject of taxes. They don't do for you. Normally when becoming and independent contractor you handle your own taxes and they don't take out any. My suggestions is to either get a good accountant because you will be responsible for your own taxes. The goodside is that you can itemize everything that you use to perform your work for the company. You are responsible for all of the items that you will use for the job. Ex: Computer, Fax machines, Copier, Telephone bill etc, but like I said don't stress. You can get all this back via taxes. Always remember to save your receipts! Now thankfully many work at home jobs don't require you to have experience. They are willing to train you. Some have paid training. Some do not, but most of these are online training or done by conference calls. If your the type of person who thinks your not the type who can earn a degree online then working at home won't be for you. Most of the time you have to learn about the job online and without a hands on approach. Most if not all training for work at home jobs are done online. If there's a company locally hiring in your area some may require that you attend training at their facility and then began to work from home. Also what I have learned through many jobs is that if you are going to be doing this you have to find a QUIET work space to do your job. I have known people to get fired because of the noise in the background while they are on the phone with a client doing there job. So mom's out there if ya kids a screamer put them in the basement. Just kidding! All in all there are upsides and downsides to being an indepdent contractor. If you desire to work from home weigh the pros and con's and see what suits you.




By JEFF DONN, MARTHA MENDOZA and JUSTIN PRITCHARD, Associated Press Writers Sun Mar 9, 5:03 PM ET
A vast array of pharmaceuticals — including antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones — have been found in the drinking water supplies of at least 41 million Americans, an Associated Press investigation shows.
To be sure, the concentrations of these pharmaceuticals are tiny, measured in quantities of parts per billion or trillion, far below the levels of a medical dose. Also, utilities insist their water is safe.

But the presence of so many prescription drugs — and over-the-counter medicines like acetaminophen and ibuprofen — in so much of our drinking water is heightening worries among scientists of long-term consequences to human health.
In the course of a five-month inquiry, the AP discovered that drugs have been detected in the drinking water supplies of 24 major metropolitan areas — from Southern California to Northern New Jersey, from Detroit to Louisville, Ky.
Water providers rarely disclose results of pharmaceutical screenings, unless pressed, the AP found. For example, the head of a group representing major California suppliers said the public "doesn't know how to interpret the information" and might be unduly alarmed.

How do the drugs get into the water?

People take pills. Their bodies absorb some of the medication, but the rest of it passes through and is flushed down the toilet. The wastewater is treated before it is discharged into reservoirs, rivers or lakes. Then, some of the water is cleansed again at drinking water treatment plants and piped to consumers. But most treatments do not remove all drug residue.
And while researchers do not yet understand the exact risks from decades of persistent exposure to random combinations of low levels of pharmaceuticals, recent studies — which have gone virtually unnoticed by the general public — have found alarming effects on human cells and wildlife.

"We recognize it is a growing concern and we're taking it very seriously," said Benjamin H. Grumbles, assistant administrator for water at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Members of the AP National Investigative Team reviewed hundreds of scientific reports, analyzed federal drinking water databases, visited environmental study sites and treatment plants and interviewed more than 230 officials, academics and scientists. They also surveyed the nation's 50 largest cities and a dozen other major water providers, as well as smaller community water providers in all 50 states.
Here are some of the key test results obtained by the AP:

_Officials in Philadelphia said testing there discovered 56 pharmaceuticals or byproducts in treated drinking water, including medicines for pain, infection, high cholesterol, asthma, epilepsy, mental illness and heart problems. Sixty-three pharmaceuticals or byproducts were found in the city's watersheds.

_Anti-epileptic and anti-anxiety medications were detected in a portion of the treated drinking water for 18.5 million people in Southern California.

_Researchers at the U.S. Geological Survey analyzed a Passaic Valley Water Commission drinking water treatment plant, which serves 850,000 people in Northern New Jersey, and found a metabolized angina medicine and the mood-stabilizing carbamazepine in drinking water.
_A sex hormone was detected in San Francisco's drinking water. (I'm movin down there as we speak damn city always gets the good sh+t)
_The drinking water for Washington, D.C., and surrounding areas tested positive for six pharmaceuticals.
_Three medications, including an antibiotic, were found in drinking water supplied to Tucson, Ariz.
The situation is undoubtedly worse than suggested by the positive test results in the major population centers documented by the AP.
Kudus to my love who mentioned this to me in one of our past numerous conversations. You were right. For once.


Why do I listen to my boyfriend? I should have learned by now whatever he claims as facts in the media world I should doubt first ask later. Once he told me who won the election even before all the votes were counted in. I was caucausing in my state and he demanded that I yell out in front of EVERYONE who won the primary. Now of course my heart soared with this info but a part of me doubted that I should scream it out to everyone. Thankfully I politely went to the head mistress or whatever the hell ya call the one's in charge of the thing and asked could I sound it off. She looked amused and said no its too soon to report anything. Of course later I found out that my boyfriend was completely wrong and I was spared the embarrasment of yelling out the wrong information. Now comes this. I told him about my reviews of this movie (which were all but negative) and he told me that it was a dud in the box office. Naturally I was in shock because the theater I went to was packed with people seeing the movie. He (know it all that he is) proclaims that down in the deep south its much cheaper for people to go see movies and we don't have anything better to do. As opposed to up north where prices are higher and according to his logic must have better things to do then to watch dumb movies. Oh yeah and they got bootlegs. Right. Because us southern folk only have time to pick food out of our teeth. Drink a couple of beers and try to figure out how we can get that in breeding thing popular again. While yall's high class northern folk just go shoppin at them prada stores and spend hundreds of dollars on things just to be cool and hip and oh so chic. Gag me. Now that we have established the stereotypes lets move on. Well as I begin to surf online, lookie what I found.


10,000 BC" a mammoth at worldwide box officeSunday March 9 1:43 PM ET

"10,000 BC," a widely ridiculed prehistoric action movie boasting a menagerie of exotic beasts, trampled the competition at box offices around the world.
According to studio estimates issued on Sunday, the Warner Bros. Pictures release sold $61 million worth of tickets during its first weekend.
The North American contribution was $35.7 million from 3,410 theaters, an easy No. 1 ahead of fellow rookie "College Road Trip" with $14 million.

The North American opening was "right on target," said Dan Fellman, president of domestic theatrical distribution at the Time Warner Inc-owned studio. Pundits had expected an opening in the $30 million to $40 million range. The film, which Fellman said cost "slightly north" of $100 million to make, was almost unanimously ripped by critics. USA Today described it as a "bombastic bore" and The New York Times as "sublimely dunderheaded."
Newcomer Steven Strait stars as a mammoth hunter who battles a horde of slave-traders. Gargantuan birds and saber-tooth tigers add to the intrigue. The film was directed by Roland Emmerich, the German auteur behind such hits as "Independence Day" and "The Day After Tomorrow." "10,000 BC" also opened at No. 1 in 19 of 20 territories, picking up a total of $25.3 million. Top markets included Spain ($4.5 million) and Mexico ($3.8 million). It opens in Italy and the United Kingdom on Friday.
The Walt Disney Co broad comedy "College Road Trip," which also appalled critics, stars Martin Lawrence as the overprotective father of a college freshman played by Raven-Symone. The film played in 2,706 theaters across the United States and Canada.


Ok after reading the article I will cut my guy a litle slack. I think he meant that it was a dud by CRITICS as opposed to being a dud at the box office. So he was 50% wrong. Nevertheless what have we learned today kiddies. Bad taste in movies is ALL OVER the US not just in the dirty south. Take that Mr. R


Warner Bros has released two new international movie trailers for The Wachowski Brothers’ big screen adaptation of Speed Racer. I can't decide if I am excited about this or not. I love wachowski's movie (special shout out to V for Vendetta), but I have never really been a fan of speed racer. I blame my father. When I was little sumbitch used to watch the damn show religiously. The only thing I can remember of the show is always seeing the damn race track and two or three cars seemingly looking still yet driving. Oh yeah and the guy who is supposed to be his big brother occasionally coming in. From a child's perspective I found the show boring and could not for the life of me understand why my dad watched it. Fast forward years later and from the looks of this trailer I still won't get my questions answered.I am not really upset about the almost surreal cartoonish look of the film. I think that's the way its supposed to look. I don't know what people were expecting. Oh Well. I am still waiting for a Sailor Moon movie to be made. Oh the memories!

See two trailers:


Words cannot describe how in love I am with this movie. May God bless youtube. Because I would probably go broke going to the theater to keep seeing this. Not that I need that to go broke, but whatever. For the first time ever the oscars got it right. Daniel Day Lewis put in an magnificent performance as the horrible (yet lovable in my opinion) Daniel Plainview. Most of the movie is centered on Plainview and Daniel does a wonderful job protraying a complex man who's greed envelops him in the end. Its so rare these days to see an actor really own his craft.Mr Lewis is a rare gem. I hardly followed the actor's career (considering he only comes out of hiding every five years can ya blame me?), but when I finally saw him talk in an interview it was a shock to see how different he was from his characters. Right down to the british accent! I can't believe he's 50. He looks decades younger. Nevertheless the scene down below always gets me. You can laugh, cry, and shudder all at the same time. Its the one scene where plainview shows complete vulnerability. I gotta remind myself to see one left foot.


(Mayor Michael Anothony Nutter)

Philadelphia Mayor's Endorsement Suddenly Matters

By Chris Cillizza And Shailagh Murray

On paper, Michael Nutter and Sen. Barack Obama have much in common.

African American, 50 years old and elected last year as mayor of Philadelphia on a reform platform, Nutter has in many ways experienced a political rise similar to that of the Illinois Democrat vying for his party's presidential nomination.

But presidential elections aren't fought on paper, and Nutter isn't a supporter of Obama's. Instead, he has endorsed Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (N.Y.) and insisted in an interview late last week with The Fix that she is well positioned to clean up in both Philadelphia and Pennsylvania in general when the Democratic race makes its way there on April 22.

"There's the regular season, and then there's the playoffs," Nutter said of the nomination fight. "We're now in the playoffs." Extending the football metaphor, Nutter compared Obama to the New England Patriots, who were undefeated during the regular season and the playoffs, and Clinton to the New York Giants, who ended that winning streak in the Super Bowl.
Like so many politicians who cut their teeth in the 1990s, Nutter has a long history with the Clintons. In the early part of that decade, Nutter became involved in the Democratic Leadership Council, whose leading voice was then-Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton. During Clinton's 1992 presidential bid, Nutter served as a pledged delegate for, in his words, "an unknown governor of the poorest state in America." (Left unsaid in the interview was that in Nutter's 2007 mayoral bid, Obama endorsed Rep. Chaka Fattah, who wound up finishing fourth.)

Despite that history, Nutter said he weighed his options carefully before deciding to endorse either candidate. He spoke with Obama and Clinton several times, knowing that he wanted to make an endorsement. ("You are either on the field or on the sidelines," Nutter said. "I am an on-the-field guy.") In the end, he went with Clinton because "I thought she had the best ideas [and a] tremendous track record."

Nutter's endorsement of Clinton in December seemed inconsequential at the time. After all, no one in the political world believed the race would last beyond Feb. 5, Super Tuesday.But, as the race has gone on (and on), Pennsylvania has become more and more relevant, and Nutter has emerged as a far more central figure in the ongoing debate over whether black elected officials should line up behind Obama and his potentially history-making candidacy.

Asked how much pressure he has come under to reconsider his endorsement of Clinton, Nutter responds curtly "none" before noting: "I don't know if anyone is asking Senator Kennedy or Senator Kerry, who happen to be white, whether they are getting any pressure from their constituents for their endorsement of Senator Obama."

Nutter takes it as a point of personal pride that he plans to stick with Clinton no matter what the future holds for her candidacy. "I take my time, think about what I am doing and then stick with it," he said. "I don't care whether it's just me and them left.

"Given Clinton's victories last week in Ohio, Texas and Rhode Island, Pennsylvania looks like fertile territory for her, although Philadelphia -- a city that is 45 percent black -- could be far tougher.

Nutter, however, is optimistic, pointing out that in his 2007 Democratic primary victory he won both the white vote and the black vote, the first mayoral candidate in the city's history to do so.
"We feel a certain sense of freedom and progressiveness here," Nutter said of the City of Brotherly Love. "The notion that all black people vote one way has to be destroyed."


"PEEKS BEHIND A DESK" Ok I admit it. I feel a little sheepish admitting that I want to see this friggan movie. WHO ARE YOU TO JUDGE ME!! After sitting through a two hour worthless movie its time for a pick me up! I will be damned if I let my bad taste in movies overcome my better judgement in not seeing this. Besides the friggan trailer always cracks me up. I am a sucker for Martin lawrence. Not to mention there is that cute little pig. All Peta supporters represent me! I am seeing this movie for a PIG! I should get gold points the next time ya see me wearin fur!




CHICAGO - A longtime Republican district fell to the Democrats yesterday when a scientist snatched former House Speaker Dennis Hastert's congressional seat in a closely watched special election.

Democrat Bill Foster won 52 percent of the vote, compared with 48 percent for Republican Jim Oberweis. With 564 of 568 precincts reporting, Foster had 50,947 votes to Oberweis' 46,125.

Foster's victory means he will fill the remainder of Hastert's term, which ends in January. The two will square off again in November for a full term.

The 66-year-old Hastert, who lost his post as speaker when Democrats took control of Congress, resigned late last year.

The race between Foster and Oberweis spawned a contentious campaign that saw both men turn to high-profile supporters to help sway voters in the longtime GOP district.

Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama made a TV ad praising Foster; Oberweis had fundraising help from the apparent Republican nominee, John McCain, and Hastert's backing.

Rep. Chris Van Hollen, a Maryland Democrat who is chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said in a statement, "It is a stunning rejection of the Bush administration, its Republican allies, and presidential nominee John McCain."

The district will have a rookie congressmen after years of enjoying Hastert's influence.

During his 21 years in Washington, Hastert funneled millions of dollars to the district that stretches from Chicago's far western suburbs almost to the Mississippi River.

Foster and Oberweis had clashed on issues from immigration and health care to the Iraq war.

During a recent TV appearance, Foster said he would be a "good vote in Congress to change President Bush's policy" on Iraq.




By CHARLES BABINGTON, Associated Press CHICAGO - Barack Obama would not be leading the Democratic presidential race without the enthusiasm and high turnout of black voters.

They spearheaded his comeback win in South Carolina, where Obama trounced Hillary Rodham Clinton and John Edwards with the backing of four out of every five black voters. They provided his margin of victory in many other states, and will play a key role in Tuesday's primary in Mississippi, where Clinton is the underdog.

But Obama's campaign saw the limits of black support in last week's losses in Ohio and Texas, which kept Clinton's campaign alive. And the role black voters will play in the next big contest, Pennsylvania's April 22 primary, is unclear.Moreover, some analysts think it's possible Obama's heavy black support is nudging some working-class white Democrats into Clinton's camp. If true, it could be an important factor in a contest that remains remarkably tight after a year of campaigning.

Obama, the son of a white mother from Kansas and a black father from Kenya, won slightly more white votes than Clinton in Wisconsin, Virginia and a few other states last month, helping him to a string of wins and the overall lead in delegates to the party's national convention.
But Clinton won nearly two out of every three white votes in Ohio, and 56 percent of those in Texas, where she also ran well among Latinos. Strategists are pondering the results, wondering if Pennsylvania's demographic similarities to Ohio will deliver another important win to Clinton in six weeks.

Ronald Walters, a University of Maryland political scientist who tracks racial trends and is writing a book on Obama, thinks Obama's strong support from blacks made it easier for some whites in Ohio and Texas to vote for Clinton.
"There's some of that," Walters said in an interview. He pointed to exit polls from Ohio, where 62 percent of all whites lack college degrees and many are anxious about their jobs in a weak economy.
"This is a racially sensitive group," he said, referring specifically to whites who earn less than $50,000 a year and did not attend college.
"They are the quintessential Reagan Democrats," he said. "They feel they've been left" and their resentment can have social and racial overtones.

Ohio exit polls support Walters' view. Eighteen percent of white Ohio voters said race was an important factor in their decision, and of that group, three in four voted for Clinton.
In general elections, which pit Democrats against Republicans, the racial sensitivity of white voters has been pronounced and well-documented for decades. It's a chief cause of the realignment of the South, where blacks remained intensely loyal to the Democratic Party as whites moved to the GOP by the millions.In the intraparty world of Democratic primaries, however, racial divisions are much less prevalent, and hard to measure. Many white Democrats, especially in the South, tend to be liberal, racially tolerant and usually happy to join blacks in opposing Republicans.

The Obama-Clinton rivalry may be straining that comity. Some blacks resented remarks Clinton made in New Hampshire, which they viewed as minimizing Martin Luther King Jr.'s role in achieving landmark civil rights laws. And after Obama's South Carolina victory on Jan. 26, former President Clinton seemed to equate the Illinois senator with Jesse Jackson as a candidate who could not draw widespread white support. Many blacks felt the Clintons "were trying to use race to their political advantage, to cede the black vote to Obama and take the rest," said David Bositis, senior political analyst for the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies, which tracks issues important to black Americans.

The Clintons said they intended no slights, and many blacks still hold great affection for the former president and his eight-year term. But Hillary Clinton's sharp-elbowed campaign is alienating others, Bositis said, and it could hurt the New York senator in November if she becomes the nominee.

Bositis said it was unclear whether Obama's black support is driving some working-class whites into Clinton's corner, but he noted the steep drop in Obama's share of the white vote in Ohio compared to Wisconsin. One possible factor other than race, Bositis said, was Clinton's strong support within the Ohio Democratic establishment, starting with the governor.
One thing is not in doubt: Obama's candidacy and the closeness of the contest are triggering record turnout among black voters. "In many states, the black vote has doubled," Bositis said.
Similar turnout in Philadelphia's black neighborhoods could help Obama next month. But he would have to make deeper inroads into Pennsylvania's white electorate than he did in Ohio if he is to avoid another solid defeat. Meanwhile, Clinton continues to draw about 10 percent to 20 percent of black voters, who sometimes have to defend their choice.

"She has the most experience," said Elexis Griffin, a black worker at a law office who attended a Clinton fundraiser in Canton, Ohio. "Obama has only been in the Senate three years. I'm not anti-Barack. I'm just pro-Hillary." Griffin, who is 25 and considering law school, said, "I sit here almost every single day and hear debating: Hillary or Obama? My closest friends, I have very much influenced their vote for Hillary. They accuse me of being against the social movement. And I accuse them of voting with their emotions and not looking at the facts."