Sunday, March 9, 2008

NOT WORTH THE HYPE (A little Spoilers)

I hate it when a friggan trailor makes a movie more interesting then the movie itself. Same damn thing happened to me with the movie 300. Even now when I catch the trailer of that movie I am transfixed. Now ask me to watch the actual movie and I will visibily cringe.I just went and spent two hours of my life watching this movie. One word. Average and overrated. Ok that's two words so what. Here I was expecting some grand action. Some grand story. Even though I gotta tell ya when I walked into the theater I didn't know what the hell the movie was about. Just that it had cool animals and graphics and it looked interesting. Oh yeah and that guy who made independece day is in on this. Well don't believe the hype folks. If your expecting realism or a logical story. Throw that shit outta the window the moment ya sit down. It basically boils down to a cheap love story, followed by prophecies and that's about it. Action while there in spurts are not all that extrodinary. A duck and punch here and that's it. To my shock they actually introduced an african tribe in the movie. Another shock they actually had major parts to play. Wow ain't progression nice? There being led by a white guy who is prophecised to free there say what? mmmkay. The animals looked realistic enough. I did get some eye candy courtesy of the gorgeous stuntman/actor Affif Ben Badra who plays the warlod. Mmmm I love a man with a deep voice and rough looks! How the hell can that broad be so focused on that puny wimp trying to rescue her and not succumbing to that handsome piece of man meat? ok so his people killed her people and took her by force and was gonna make her a slave, but goddamn it ya gotta learn to forgive and forget! Well it wasn't so bad where I wanted to walk outta the theater, but after the movie I did say to myself um that's it? Not a good sign. If ya want to see a light story where you have to leave your brains at the door for the moment and enjoy some good cinematography. This is the movie for the masses.

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