Wednesday, March 12, 2008


New York Governor Eliot Spitzer

Ok. Everyone and there mammy should have heard the news about Mr. I love prostitutes up there. If you haven't youre very fortunate. As I read this "scandal" and heard all sides from sunday. I had to ask myself how do I feel about it. My conclusion? Who gives a fuck. The only person he should have to answer to is his wife as far as I am concerned, but then of course I am reminded that prostitution is illegal in this country. Which leads me to a whole new train of thought. Why is it illegal again? it sure as hell ain't for moralistic reasons. Most likely it is due to the fact that the government can't get any money out of the deal so therefore its illegal, but should it be? its just two consenting adults having a meeting "albeit a dirty one" and going about there business. Personally I think it should be legal. There I said it. Many other countries (with some restrictions that aren't that bad) in Canada, most all of Europe including England, France, Wales, Denmark, etc., most of South America including most of Mexico (often in special zones), Israel (Tel Aviv known as the brothel capital of the world), Australia, and many others have gone with the flow. What's america's problem again? by legalizing i they can tax the whole businiess make it more orderly and citizens won't have to constantly complain about there children's seeing hookers on the corner or seeing one getting beat up. Of course the main one would be the politicians. In this case if prostituion was legal then the Gov up above would not be having any legal problems. I think its ridiculous really. Personally I could give a damn what politicians do in there private lives as long as there keepin my state/country safe I could give a damn. There personal lives and decisions are just that. Personal and in this case unfortunatly illegal. Just my two cents.

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